Visualise your
analysis with fully
rendered modelling
Using a modern and compact interface, input and visualise your analysis model quickly and intuitively in the fully rendered modelling environment.
Complete model visualisation in both the input and results stages
Up to 500 nodes

Full range of features for speed and efficiency
- Display materials and render solids within the same model environment (no switching views or windows)
- Create custom sections using the section builder
- Share a view angle between models
- Full range of selection features including copy, mirror, and move
Linear and Second
Order Analysis
Both linear and various approaches to second order analysis are provided.
Linear analysis automatically warns the user when deflections exceed definable limits, or the equilibrium review suggests a second order approach is appropriate.
Display the linear and second order results side-by-side
Direct Iterative, Incremental, Incremental Iterative and Geometric Stiffness approaches

Document integration
with Structural Toolkit
for ease of use
Being within the Structural Toolkit environment allows an Analysis document to be added to the project like any other member. It can be renamed, copied, modified and opened in a second document tab to compare the results.
Have multiple analysis and design tabs open simultaneously
Preview and print using the familiar ribbon bars
Which version is best for you?
Analysis Lite is available to all users of Structural Toolkit with a current subscription.
Analysis Lite allows linear analysis utilising up to 4 nodes, any number of load combinations, simple restraints and simple member releases. This will allow you to analysis a continuous beam with up to 3 spans, or a brace frame.
Analysis Standard may be purchased at the time of purchase of Structural Toolkit, or as a later upgrade.
Node limitations Create up to 500 node models | Max 4 |
Max 500* |
Structure Type Create 2D and 3D structures | 2D x & y axis | 3D x, y & z axis |
Simple Restraints Create and visualise pinned and roller restraints | ||
Complex Restraints Create prescribed displacements, springs and rotated supports | ||
Linear Analysis Undertake a linear analysis including configurable deflection warnings and checks for second order suitability | ||
Second Order Analysis Analysis by a number of methods for second order allowing node displacement effects | ||
Access standard section libraries Select from the same set of steel and timber members you are familiar with in Structural Toolkit | ||
Sort, re-order and rename entities To insert that missed loadcase for example, name objects with meaning | ||
Result Points Provide a result point without the requirement for adding a node | ||
Groups Create groups to display a smaller, less congested result set |
* May be limited by system memory and processor capabilities