Proven to be the best value for money
“Nilsson, Noel & Holmes (Engineers) is a structural and civil engineering consultancy whose core business is producing structural designs for residential, industrial and commercial structures and civil design for subdivisions. We have been using Structural Toolkit by Anthony Furr Software since its release in 2002.
Structural Toolkit is designed and written by a structural engineer and naturally reflects the way we carry out design and produce our calculations. Its comprehensive range of design modules covers virtually all design scenarios that we regularly encounter, almost eradicating the need for hand computations and we are able to produce complex sets of calculations in a fraction of the time. The interface is well laid out and the software logical and simple to operate. Structural Toolkit is regularly updated in line with changes to Australian Standards and we have confidence in its currency and accuracy.
Of all the software that we utilise, Structural Toolkit has proven to be the best value for money. We have no hesitation in recommending this product to any consulting engineer who is looking to enhance their efficiency and maximise their profits.”
Value for money big time
I’ll say it again, your program is a great tool and it is an invaluable piece of software that allows JHM Structures to carry out efficient work (design and costing).
Value for money big time and I advise other engineers of this as well.
Pure and Simple.

A cost effective, professional design solution
“Tony Furr is an astute engineer and the brains behind Structural Toolkit. Structural Toolkit is a suite of structural design tools, used on a daily basis by our team.
Having worked with Tony, as a senior engineer in our company, we know him and his capability. Our level of trust and professional respect for Tony enables us to be confident when referring Structural Toolkit to our peers.
Tony Furr's software product fills a gap in the market by providing both an effective and cost efficient design tool.
Cardno is a large and diverse company that is committed to meeting the needs of our clients - both large and small. It is a pleasure to recommend Structural Toolkit to Australian designers looking for a cost effective, professional design solution that meets Australian Standards.”
Saves our company a lot of expensive design time
"Structural Toolkit by Anthony Furr Software is a simple to use and effective software program that saves our company a lot of expensive design time. Our team uses it extensively as a design tool as a standalone program, and as back-up for more sophisticated structural engineering software. It rolls the job of traditional in-house spreadsheet packages into just one program which makes it both handy to use, time efficient and a cost effective proposition for us and is therefore beneficial to our clients. I highly recommend Structural Toolkit for structural design engineers because in addition to the time it saves, the potential for manual errors is considerably reduced.”
Reliable and consistent
"Taylor Thomson Whitting is a wholly owned Australian company providing Consultancy Engineering services to Australia and Asia since 1958. TTW's six offices provide clients with a wide range of specialised services in Structural, Civil, Facade and Traffic Engineering. Being client oriented, practical and economical and innovative is at the core of our business and as the Technical Director at TTW, I need to ensure that our own quality assurance policies are strictly adhered to. A major advantage to us with using Structural Toolkit is that standards are embedded and are unable to be manipulated. The software does a wide range of things and as well as being safe for new engineers to use, it’s reliable and consistent. This is a critical aspect for us and our clients so the reliably factor is very important. It’s fair to say that Structural Toolkit fits the holes in the things we know we need to get right at a fraction of the cost it would be to have an engineer developing this kind of program and it has all the benefits of accuracy and reliability. It’s really good value for money and we’d never question the price because the value to us and our clients is so high.”
Offers a personalised service
“pitt & sherry is a leading multi-specialist infrastructure consultancy that has been delivering intelligent and sustainable solutions to industry, government and communities for over 50 years. In order to deliver the best solutions to our clients, we ensure that we provide our teams with the best engineering design software available. Structural Toolkit meets all our spreadsheet-based design tool requirements. Flexible and easy to use, this unique software package allows us to simply plug in the required variables to achieve the results we need, eliminating time spent on producing manual calculations. Its simplicity is a great strength and we often extend its application to supplement other design software packages. I have no hesitation in recommending Structural Toolkit. The developer, Anthony Furr Software, is professional, friendly and offers a personalised service, and the product is both accurate and reliable. It not only meets our needs, but also saves time and money in the initial stages of a project and in the review process.”
It's the smart engineer's good friend
“I used to write my own spreadsheets to carry out the computations needed for structural design and it was both time consuming and I knew there had to be a better way. I was looking for a windows based application to help our structural engineers concentrate on the projects they were working on and cut down the huge amount of time they need to spend on computations.
Structural Toolkit by Anthony Furr Software provides an excellent solution for us and definitely saves us a great deal of both time and money. It eliminates margins for errors and most computations are compiled into a one-page computation which is iterative. This means that engineers can make even the smallest required changes and the program simply automatically updates ensuring all computations remain correct.
About 90% of hand computations in our office are carried out by our engineers using Structural Toolkit. One program does it all and hand computations are a thing of the past. It has wide applications all in one package, shows every step of the process and covers timber, steel and concrete. Structural Toolkit is a basic tool which has become a necessity. It's the smart engineer's good friend.
As the software designers of Structural Toolkit, AFS provide us with updates for the software to ensure we are fully compliant with the current Australian Standards. To have this service from a company we can rely on and trust is a great help to us and I am happy to recommend both the company and their product.”
Having it gives them an advantage over those that don't
We contracted the services of specialist consultants Leading Matters to gain insight and testimonials from our clients. The following is an excerpt from their report for us.
“Thank you for the opportunity to survey your clients for their opinions and feedback about Structural Toolkit and to seek Brilliant Testimonials - BTs® from these clients for your marketing and business communications. The results of our process were very interesting. While several of your clients were willing and happy to provide testimonials for you, a few declined the opportunity to publically endorse Structural Toolkit because they maintain having it gives them an advantage over those that don't have it because the product is so valuable to them and their error rate is reduced by 100%! I am happy to report that I heard this feedback but disappointed we were unable to substantiate it for you in writing from these clients. We wish you well with Structural Toolkit which is clearly having a considerably positive impact on the structural and civil engineering world."